The day aims to highlight the importance of the girl child in society and address the issues that hinder their growth and development. We celebrated this occasion to remind our female students to empower themselves and inspire other girls in our society to do the same.
International Women’s Day was celebrated by organizing a talk by faculty members about women achievers and their achievements. 48 members were present including the teaching, non teaching and support staff.
“Art of doing Biz” was a theme promoted by UWEC in collaboration with Business Lab. The students formed teams and set up stalls for sale of products/services. Seven teams set up stalls and students of pre university and degree, staff members, and others purchased from the stalls. Food items, handicrafts, scrunches were put for sale
Essay writing competition on the topic, “Employment opportunities for below poverty line women in India” was organised. 20 Students of B.Com and BBA participated in the event. To commemorate and celebrate the 75 years of progressive India, the government of India has initiated Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, as a part of this event the above competition was organised.
Students Talk on the topic, “Work from Home" challenges for women employees during Pandemic was organised. 12 Students of B.Com and BBA participated in the event.
An Activity on “Best Out of Waste” was organized. The guests for the event were Ms. Kavitha, Assistant Professor and Ms. Inderakala, Assistant Professor. There were 36 participants for the event.
International Women’s Day was organized. The staff members highlighted the contribution of women in the development of society.12 students participated.
Covid-19 awareness programme for special children was organized at Gnanavahini Swasahaya Kendra, Doddaballapura and financial support was extended to help them during Covid-19 pandemic. 10 students of the college participated in the event.
Slogan writing event on “Over Coming of Gender Discrimination” to create awareness was organized virtually. 56 participants benefitted from the event.
Essay Writing event on “My Voice, Our Equal Future” was organized virtually on the occasion of “International Girl’s Day. There were 16 participants for the event.
A webinar on “Domestic violence” was organized virtually. The guest speaker for the day was Mrs. Shweta Krishnappa, Additional Government Advocate, office of the Advocate General High Court of Karnataka. Awareness was created among 103 participants.