The e-waste drive was conducted to collect and responsibly recycle electronic waste to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable disposal practices. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of improper e-waste disposal, reduce landfill waste, and encourage community involvement.
The Prakruthi Eco Club has conducted an awareness campaign on Doddabyalkere on account of commemorating National Pollution Prevention Day. The students held a rally by saying slogans of preventing pollution and also, they visited the shops in Doddabyalkere to create awareness on bad effects of using plastic and preventing various types of pollution.
The Prakruthi Eco Club has conducted an awareness campaign on Doddabyalkere on account of commemorating National Pollution Prevention Day. The students held a rally by saying slogans of preventing pollution and also, they visited the shops in Doddabyalkere to create awareness on bad effects of using plastic and preventing various types of pollution.
The Eco club of Dr. N.S.A.M First Grade College organised a Field visit on 21/12/2021 to Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru. The visit was organised to know about the importance of agriculture and new ways of agriculture and its updated technologies. The Institute also gave insight into mushroom cultivation and flowers, vegetables and fruit cultivation. The 1 st Semester Bcom 42 students got exposure to the different forms of agriculture. The students also interacted with the officers of IIHR and got ideas about nursery establishment.
The eco club in association with Community orientation club has organised an awareness program on say no to crackers at Shivakote village on 02/11/2021 to create awareness on causes of burning crackers and its impact on environment and health. The students of 5th semester BBA participated in the program. 40 students divided into smaller groups of 4 each and they visited each house of the village and created awareness among the village people. The students also did a rally in the main streets of the village by saying slogans of say no to crackers and importance of environment protection.
The Prakruthi Eco Club has organised the Best out of waste competition on 23/03/2022 as an intercollegiate competition. Ten teams participated consisting of two members in a team. The students used the waste products like plastic and glass bottles, coconut shells, woollen threads and so many other decorative items to make the best products from waste products.
All the bottles were kept for exhibition and the judgement has also been given to the participants.
The Prakruthi Eco Club has conducted a Brand Eco Rangoli competition on 07/07/2022 from 1.30 pm to 2.30pm. The program was organised in association with the Commerce Club and was held in the Cultural room. The students created logos of different companies / organisations out of rangoli using eco-friendly colours extracted from various natural products like flowers, leaves, gram flour, lentils etc . Dr Rikia and Prof.Ann were the Judges for the programme. The students not only displayed their artistic talent through rangoli but also gave an effective presentation about the brand /company .
The Prakruthi Eco Club has organised the World Environment Day on 04/06/2022. The program was organised in association with UNITTED Alumni Association. In the program the Principal, HOD and alumni delivered the importance of environment and its protection to the present and future generations. The main attraction of the program was planting the trees inside the campus as Dr.N.S.A.M FGC is a green campus and making it further more greener. In addition to this vehicle testing was also organised in the campus by our Alumnus Mr. Yathish to test vehicle emission and other specifications of vehicles to maintain healthy environment.
The Eco-club (Prukrithi) has organised an awareness campaign to Madappanahalli village on 27 July 2022, on account of commemorating INTERNATIONAL NATURE CONSERVATION DAY. The campaign started from morning 10.00am to 12.00 pm. It involved around 15 students from various streams accompanied by two teachers. The campaign is set to spread awareness about the importance of nature conservation in the village by conserving the flora and fauna of the surroundings like feeding the street dogs, providing drinking water to the bird species etc and to sensitise the villagers on banning the usage of plastics . A visit is also made to the primary school to educate the kids on the relevance of conserving nature. The programme ended in a happy return to the campus with the satisfaction of imparting education and awareness to the village folks.
A Field visit to Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru was organized to know about the importance of agriculture and new ways of agriculture and its updated technologies. 42 Students participated in the event.
An awareness program on say no to crackers was organized, to create awareness on causes of burning crackers and its impact on environment and health. 40 students participated in the event.
On the occasion of Ganesha Festival students were asked to make Eco friendly Ganesha idols.
To mark World Sparrow Day the students were motivated to make bird feeder at and near their homes to feed birds with food or water. An effort to prevent the extinct birds was made. Students participated in the event enthusiastically.
Online awareness programme on “World Soil Day” with 32 participants was organized.
A documentary movie https://youtu.be/41Xna25y1GY, https://youtu.be/F__YLKnoe9o was screened to create awareness about pollution to observe “National Pollution Day”. There were 20 participants for the event
Online awareness talk to observe International day of “National Disaster Reduction” was organized. 14 students participated in the event.
The online activities like writing Essay, collage making, mobile photography, collage and video shoot of rural landscape was organized to observe “World Wild Life Week”. There were 21 participants.