‘Hindi Week’ was celebrated from Sep 17 to Sep 27, 2023, in the college premises, which included various competitions like ‘Bhitti Patrika’ (Open Magazine), PPT presentations and quizzes. On the last day, Mr. Satish. C. Honnanagar, Assistant Professor of Hindi and a ghazal singer from St. Joseph's College, graced the event as a chief guest. On this occasion, students got to embrace different aspects of Hindi Literature and importance of Hindi Diwas. Mirabai's ghazal and dance were also performed by a BCA student, Muskaan Mahoto.
A two days International Seminar was organised on July 30 & 31 July, 2023, on the topic “संवेदनशील सरोकारों के क्रांतिधर्मी योद्धा : प्रेमचंद” (“Premchand, a Revolutionary Warrior of Sensitive Concerns'') under the joint auspices of Dr. N.S.A.M FGC and Vishwa Hindi Sangathan, New Delhi, to mark the celebration of 135th Jayanti of Munshi Premchand . On the first day of the Seminar, Dr. Premlata Pinky Vaishnav, University of Michigan, USA, was the keynote speaker and she highlighted Premchands’ literature for children. Prof.Sunil Kumar Tiwari, from Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Prof.Archana Upadhyay from Shyam Lal Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi, Dr.Parismita Bardale from Cotton University, Assam were present as speakers who reflected on Premchands’ overall literature. The anchor for the day was Dr. Asha Rathore. On the second day of the seminar, 32 Papers were presented by research scholars.
On 27 December 2021 collage making competition is conducted on the topic ‘patriotism’. Students learned the technique of an art, production, primarily used in visual art.
Creative writing is an competition of imagination and creativity to express ideas which is held on 21,Jan,2022
Photography competition was held on 24,June,2022 in the college premises. Students expressed love and feelings for mother nature through photography.
Guest Lecture was organized on the NEP Syllabus for first semester students on 31,Jan,2022. Main focus was how to prepare for exams and how internal marks will be given.
On the auspicious occasion of the weekly program of Republic day the students presented PPT on the biography of freedom fighters on 27, Jan,2022. As a result of this program complete reverence for the country was awakened in the mind of the students.
Skit competition was organized on 21,July,2022. It was a visual bliss to see our students performing confidently and also witnessing them learning numerous things through dramatics.
Story writing competition was organized on 8 July,2022. Competition helped students to utilize their own creativeness.
Under the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav” essay and debate competition were organized on 22,July,2022. The thought of freedom fighters and their dreams brought a sense of patriotism in the students.
Republic day was celebrated with a programme where students presented ppts on the biography of freedom fighters, in different languages. Faculty of the college also participated in the event. The event was quite informative. 6 students participated in the event. The light of patriotism was enlightened in the hearts of the participants.
A guest lecturer was organised for the students of Ist year (NEP HINDI) Dr. Sharmila Viswas, subject matter expert and member BOE and BOS graced the occasion. It was highly appreciated by the students. 13 students participated. The guest lecture instilled confidence with respect to the exam to the students.
Competition on creative writing was organised where different pictures were shown and participants were asked to write about the theme. 6 students participated and wrote different essays and poems on the picture shown. This instilled the writing concept and the love of writing among the participants.
A collage making competition was organised by literary Forum on the theme Patriotism. Many students participated in the event. Students benefited from the event by collecting information from different sources.
Literary Forum organised a debate on “Literature is the need of the hour”, many students benefited and participated in the event. The self confidence of the students was boosted and the importance of literature was understood by them.
A Colloquium on “Language Technology and Hindi” was organized.Guest speakers wereDr. Shivdatta Wawalkar, Asst Prof, Dr. Aarti Pathak, Asst. Prof, Dr. Gayatri Mishra and Asst. Prof. 30 participants benefitted from the event.
State level Essay writing Competition in Hindi on ‘Environment’ was organized virtually.Guest speaker was Mrs. Nina Krisnan, GRV College. There were 72 participants for the event.
Creative Poetry Writing Competition on the theme of COVID-19 was held virtually Many students took part in the event.
Poster making Competition on the theme of Republic day was organized virtually. Many participants made posters and spoke about it.
Online Workshop on “Use of ICT for the development of Language Skills” was organized guest speaker was Dr. Alok Ranjan Pandey, Delhi University. There were 31 participants for the event
A training programme on “Pranayama in Breathing Exercises” was organized virtually by Dr. Varnaka. There were 25 participants for the event from various institutions.
Pencil Sketching Competition on “Literary Mission”was organized virtually. 16 students participated in the event.
An activity on Brochure designing Competition to mark Hindi Divas was organized virtually. 15 participants took part in the event.