The library at Dr. N.S.A.M First Grade College, upholds the vision and mission of the college to fulfill the enshrined values. Towards achieving this, the centre strives to help teachers and students for academic, research, personality development and to develop the skillsets required for students’ growth. The library provides access to a wide range of resources such as books/e-books, journals/e-journals. The centre has automated its collections using free open source software, KOHA.
To enable easier search options “WEBOPAC” (Web Online public Access Catalogue) facility is made available to the users.
01 | Prof. Raghavendra R | Principal & Chairperson |
02 | Dr. J B Janardana | HOD Languages and FC & Committee Member |
03 | Prof. Shekhar M | HOD Commerce & Committee Member |
04 | Dr. Ashok Mammen V | HOD Management & Committee Member |
05 | Mr. Naveen Kumar | HOD BCA & Committee Member |
06 | Mr. Dhananjaya | Librarian & Committee Secretary |
The Library & Information Centre also has special collections like; Rare books, Reports, Conference Proceedings & Newsletters, etc.
The centre maintains a separate reference collection consisting of Reference books, Ready reference books like; Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks and so on. This facility is open to the students and staff.
Most used and fast moving books are placed in this section. Open Access System is followed in this section. This helps our readers to find the required books easily and quickly. Books are issued to all eligible members from this section.
The library receives both national and international print journals, Standard magazines and Newspapers to provide updated knowledge.
Sl. No. | Name of the Journal |
01 | Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems |
02 | The Chartered Accountant: Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
03 | Harvard Business Review |
04 | IUP Journal of Operations Management |
05 | Indian Journal of Finance |
06 | Indian Banker |
07 | Global Business Review |
08 | The IUP Journal of International Relations |
09 | IUP Journal of Effective Executive |
10 | IIMB Management Review |
11 | Indian Literature |
Library has a facility to issue books from SC/ST Book Bank to students belonging to SC/ST communities, who can borrow 7 text books for whole semester. These books have to be returned after the end of the semester. Students whose names appear in the list of SC/ST students, received from the college office are eligible to borrow these books.
Book CDs & DVDs are available in digital library. Computers with headphones are also provided for the purpose of e-learning. Some Computers are reserved for this facility only. List of CDs/DVDs: https://bit.ly/32XMTHV
Library members receive regular emails regarding available resources in library & education related news clippings every day.
WEB Online Public Access Catalogue is made available to the users for smooth search of available materials in the library. To access: https://bit.ly/3XbObuG
All students admitted and staff members automatically become the members of the library. Fill out online membership form:https://forms.gle/JvhtFpJCiNCNEBgf9
Library provides a platform for checking plagiarism. TURNITIN is web based plagiarism detection software that successfully detects copies. The tool generates originality reports that show how much of a document is original, cited from other sources or is unoriginal. The service is also available to outsiders at reasonable charges.
To check your publication-
Application form - Manual: https://bit.ly/2CaLAdE
Application form - Online: https://forms.gle/PvEtk24J3jG9U2jN7
Assistance in reference management through Mendeley, Zotero and creating awareness about predatory publishing is also provided.
Photocopying facility is available to the users at nominal charges.
Photocopying of only one chapter of a book for educational or research purpose is permitted under copyright law. Users should respect copyright law and the library is not responsible for any legal consequences arising due to copyright violation.
A rare and unique addition to a dynamic process in the campus, reflecting the use of technology for sharing knowledge and resources, 15 Computers are made available for the users with multimedia facility. In this section, users can access N-LIST subscribed resources, e-books, e-journals and other digital resources.
IR (Institutional Repository): The Library is using D-Space Institutional Repository software for providing resources in digital format. This helps users to find soft copies of faculty publications, project reports, previous years question papers, syllabus copies, newspaper clippings and many more.To access (Intranet):
Proquest : (Contact Librarian for login details): https://www.proquest.com/
INFLIBNET N-LIST https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/index.php
All electronic resources subscribed under N-LIST Programme are available from the publishers’ websites.
01 | American Institute of Physics [18 titles] | http://journals.aip.org/ |
02 | Annual Reviews [33 titles] | http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/ |
03 | Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title] | http://www.epw.in/ |
04 | Indian Journals [180+ titles] | http://www.indianjournals.com/ |
05 | Institute of Physics [46 titles] | http://iopscience.iop.org/ |
06 | JSTOR [2500+ titles] | http://www.jstor.org/ |
07 | Oxford University Press [262 titles] | http://www.oxfordjournals.org |
08 | Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles] | http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals?key=title&value=current |
09 | H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles] | http://search.ebscohost.com |
10 | Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016) | https://www.cambridge.org/core |
1 | Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles] | https://www.cambridge.org/core |
2 | E-brary [150000+ titles] | https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/inflibnet-ebooks |
3 | EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles] | http://search.ebscohost.com |
4 | Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles] | https://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/ |
5 | Institute of South East Asian Studies (ISEAS) Books [382+ titles] | https://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary/ |
6 | Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles] | http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/ |
7 | Springer eBooks [2300 titles] | http://link.springer.com |
8 | Sage Publication eBooks [1000 titles] | http://knowledge.sagepub.com |
9 | Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles] | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/ |
10 | Myilibrary-McGraw Hill [1124 titles] | https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/inflibnet-ebooks |
11 | South Asia Archive [through NDL] | http://www.southasiaarchive.com |
12 | World e-Books Library [Now available through NDLI only] | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
Previous years’ Question papers have been archived in Google Drive. Access has been provided to students and staff members of the college.
Click here to get https://bit.ly/4bYFqbK
Couldn’t Access? Stop at library to register your account or mail us your request to: devanath@nitte.edu.in
In the academic year 2019-20 Library introduced a new service called; ‘Book Kit Scheme’ to academic achievers. The set of books for one semester will be issued to the eligible students under this scheme. Main objective of this scheme is to promote reading & encourage students to use our library resources.
In the academic year 2019-20 Library introduced a new service called; ‘Book Kit Scheme’ to academic achievers. The set of books for one semester will be issued to the eligible students under this scheme. Main objective of this scheme is to promote reading & encourage students to use our library resources.
We really appreciate your interest to provide us your feedback to improve our library facilities and services.
Provide your valuable feedback here: https://forms.gle/3qBttCfVC6cxY4a2A